I was in Venice for one night only, around 10 months ago. Having never been to Italy before - I was a complete foreigner... but there is something so relaxed, so easy and humbling about that place, I felt like I could have been there alone with no worries.

Being up in the air looking down on Venice is amazing in itself; before you even land on Italian ground you get to see this beautiful city, so threatened against the sea. It's very daunting when you see the ratio of land to sea from up in the air, but the residents don't seem at all phased. The city itself is really great, exactly how I'd imagined - it is playful, romantic, picturesque, full of real culture, happy old men in white vests with white moustache's, cobbled streets and plenty of gondolas. We filled our faces with pasta and pistachio liqueur and sat by the river for hours. I would definitely recommend renting a villa in the city, whoever you're there with - we didn't pre book ours, but it wasn't hard to find a place when we got there. Our villa was located in a courtyard right by the riverside, lined with terraced houses and lively cafes where everyone sat outside and the waiters were socialising with their guests. It really is a special place. A special place that deserves a lot more of my time.

I have a profound interest in Italy; the history, the art, the language, the mafia - there's much to discuss about this amazing place. I won't try to explain what's so good about it, but check this if you're interested; http://www.lonelyplanet.com/italy/venice

Photos courtesy of my bestest, Becca Lloyd (who is also a terrific designer, check this: http://www.artsthread.com/p/rebeccalloyd)

"Italy, and the spring and first love all together should suffice to make the gloomiest person happy." --Bertrand Russell

Being up in the air looking down on Venice is amazing in itself; before you even land on Italian ground you get to see this beautiful city, so threatened against the sea. It's very daunting when you see the ratio of land to sea from up in the air, but the residents don't seem at all phased. The city itself is really great, exactly how I'd imagined - it is playful, romantic, picturesque, full of real culture, happy old men in white vests with white moustache's, cobbled streets and plenty of gondolas. We filled our faces with pasta and pistachio liqueur and sat by the river for hours. I would definitely recommend renting a villa in the city, whoever you're there with - we didn't pre book ours, but it wasn't hard to find a place when we got there. Our villa was located in a courtyard right by the riverside, lined with terraced houses and lively cafes where everyone sat outside and the waiters were socialising with their guests. It really is a special place. A special place that deserves a lot more of my time.

I have a profound interest in Italy; the history, the art, the language, the mafia - there's much to discuss about this amazing place. I won't try to explain what's so good about it, but check this if you're interested; http://www.lonelyplanet.com/italy/venice

Photos courtesy of my bestest, Becca Lloyd (who is also a terrific designer, check this: http://www.artsthread.com/p/rebeccalloyd)

"Italy, and the spring and first love all together should suffice to make the gloomiest person happy." --Bertrand Russell