Monday, 30 July 2012

Proud gally

Need to promote my best friend some more. Check the following four projects out on ARTS THREAD. Her work is pretty outstanding in my opinion.

ARTS THREAD - Rebecca Lloyd - The Following

The Following - Final major project. A collection for A/W 12/13 that illustrates saddened tones and a macabre nature. Heavily influenced by the tragic events and circumstances that occured in Jonestown, Guyana with the members of The Peoples Temple.

ARTS THREAD - Rebecca Lloyd - Bohemian Grove

Bohemian Grove - S/S 13. A collection based upon the conspiracy of New World Order and the many organizations that lie within it. Focusing on the collaboration of formalwear and colour, pattern and print.

ARTS THREAD - Rebecca Lloyd - From Russian With Love

From Russia With Love - A/W 12/ 13. The collection entertains elements of traditional Russian folklore and dress, introducing hints of Stalin war armour that reform into leather pieces.

ARTS THREAD - Rebecca Lloyd - Gummo

Gummo - S/S 13. A collection based upon white trash suffering and impressionistic oddity that takes residence in a tornado- devastated town in Ohio. The collection is heavily represented through denim.

While i'm on the subject of my bestest I may as well add some photos of her and I...