Monday, 30 July 2012

Proud gally

Need to promote my best friend some more. Check the following four projects out on ARTS THREAD. Her work is pretty outstanding in my opinion.

ARTS THREAD - Rebecca Lloyd - The Following

The Following - Final major project. A collection for A/W 12/13 that illustrates saddened tones and a macabre nature. Heavily influenced by the tragic events and circumstances that occured in Jonestown, Guyana with the members of The Peoples Temple.

ARTS THREAD - Rebecca Lloyd - Bohemian Grove

Bohemian Grove - S/S 13. A collection based upon the conspiracy of New World Order and the many organizations that lie within it. Focusing on the collaboration of formalwear and colour, pattern and print.

ARTS THREAD - Rebecca Lloyd - From Russian With Love

From Russia With Love - A/W 12/ 13. The collection entertains elements of traditional Russian folklore and dress, introducing hints of Stalin war armour that reform into leather pieces.

ARTS THREAD - Rebecca Lloyd - Gummo

Gummo - S/S 13. A collection based upon white trash suffering and impressionistic oddity that takes residence in a tornado- devastated town in Ohio. The collection is heavily represented through denim.

While i'm on the subject of my bestest I may as well add some photos of her and I...

Wednesday, 25 July 2012



A simple way to ensure good vibes.


Most chocolate is great but TimTams are different; somewhere between a biscuit and a chocolate bar, so many different ways to eat them. I could easily scoff a whole pack in a day. I have been in Australia for approximately 8 weeks and I don't even want to post how many packs I've demolished in that time!

I made a guide for the ultimate TimTam experience. Silly, however guaranteed to improve your well-being...

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

I miss

Staff discount at Dr Martens.  Shoe porn errrry day

Monday, 23 July 2012

Melbourne diary

It's about time I put some more photos of my own on here. I finally purchased a camera, I can't believe how long it's been since I last owned one. Terrible from me! Everyone should own a camera (or a decent camera phone) and document their adventures with photos. An equal measure of words and photographs will help keep our stories alive forever.

Beautiful pink sky as I left for work, it only lasted a few minutes, on the opposite side there was a rainbow for a short amount of time - soon after this was taken, the sky went grey and a wintery night emerged.

Waterloo Crescent, Melbourne winter?!

Projector, fairy lights and city lights.

A few drinks up high in the sky, Loo and I.

Natural light, flowers and a clean (maybe not so tidy) work space means a productive day for Tasha and Lela.

My new buddy Bobby.

Just used to the gritty looking tram wires. Harry Beck really smashed it with the whole underground transport concept aye.

Thursday, 19 July 2012


Beautiful Huichol art...

Mexican art is so colourful and exciting. Even when they have a deep/dark meaning...


"Kai" = Change
"Zen" = Good (for the better)
"Kaizen" = Continuous improvement

Key elements of Kaizen:
  • Teamwork
  • Personal discipline
  • Improved morale
  • Quality circles
  • Suggestions for improvement
I like the way Toyota think:

"Our four core values:
  • Customer first
  • Respect for people
  • International focus
  • Continuous improvement and innovation."

"Guiding principles:

The Toyota business is guided by seven principles:
  • Honour the language and spirit of the law of every nation and undertake open and fair corporate activities to be a good corporate citizen of the world
  • Respect the culture and customs of every nation and contribute to economic and social development through corporate activities in the communities
  • Dedicate ourselves to providing clean and safe products and to enhancing the quality of life everywhere through all our activities
  • Create and develop advanced technologies and provide outstanding products and services that fulfil the needs of customers worldwide
  • Foster a corporate culture that enhances individual creativity and teamwork value, while honouring mutual trust and respect between labour and management
  • Pursue growth in harmony with the global community through innovative management
  • Work with business partners in research and creation to achieve stable long-term growth and mutual benefits, while keeping ourselves open to new partnerships"
Visit if you'd like to read more about the company.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Innovative beats

Viva Italia

I was in Venice for one night only, around 10 months ago. Having never been to Italy before - I was a complete foreigner... but there is something so relaxed, so easy and humbling about that place, I felt like I could have been there alone with no worries.

Being up in the air looking down on Venice is amazing in itself; before you even land on Italian ground you get to see this beautiful city, so threatened against the sea. It's very daunting when you see the ratio of land to sea from up in the air, but the residents don't seem at all phased. The city itself is really great, exactly how I'd imagined - it is playful, romantic, picturesque, full of real culture, happy old men in white vests with white moustache's, cobbled streets and plenty of gondolas. We filled our faces with pasta and pistachio liqueur and sat by the river for hours. I would definitely recommend renting a villa in the city, whoever you're there with - we didn't pre book ours, but it wasn't hard to find a place when we got there. Our villa was located in a courtyard right by the riverside, lined with terraced houses and lively cafes where everyone sat outside and the waiters were socialising with their guests. It really is a special place. A special place that deserves a lot more of my time.

I have a profound interest in Italy; the history, the art, the language, the mafia - there's much to discuss about this amazing place. I won't try to explain what's so good about it, but check this if you're interested;

Photos courtesy of my bestest, Becca Lloyd (who is also a terrific designer, check this:

"Italy, and the spring and first love all together should suffice to make the gloomiest person happy." --Bertrand Russell

Viva Italia, x

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Brutal simplicity of thought

Simon Drew

I was introduced to this artist while at a friends having a cuppa from a mug with one of his designs on. Simon Drew's the name of the artist, cute drawings aye:

Check it: | Get your mugs here:

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Wealth & Success

"I want to be successful"

I think some people get so wrapped up in their aspirations that they forget about their present fortune. Being wealthy isn't just about earning a wage, it's about life fulfillment. I think the wealthiest people are not those who have the most money, but those who find the most happiness with what they do have. Holding on to friends and family, supporting each other and always having a willingness to learn, is what will lead to ultimate success. As long as we have our basic physiological needs, we can provide safety, love and belonging to ourselves and others, building our self-esteem. Having confidence, working to achieve goals, respecting ourselves and others - this is the formula for success. Maslow's hierarchy of needs says that the height of our needs is self-actualization - Maslow described self-actualized people as those who were fulfilled and doing all they were capable of. People who have morality, creativity, spontaneity, lack of prejudice, capability to accept facts, and problem solving abilities - these are successful people.

Year of 4

...documents the year-long personal and artistic journey that inspired Beyoncé's fourth solo album, 4.

Film directed by Ellen Von Unwerth

Ellen Von Unwerth

Some great videos by the photographer/director, specializing in erotic femininity;

Will Ozanne: Gang Colours

A podcast by Gang Colours (aka Will Ozanne), created last year - just emerged on my ipod during my walk to work. Good stuff, have a listen...