Friday, 27 May 2016

Spring 16

It' been a beautiful season so far. It's a pleasure to see how much things change in this magical garden day-to-day as nature takes it's course.

 This little pussycat has become quite familiar with me now. Still quite a wild one but he is partial to climbing through the window into my office from time to time.

Wisteria showing off all over the place. Such a dramatic plant. 
So so beautiful and smells like bubblegum. 

 Cherry Blossom petals, my favourite. Preferably when they're on the tree but the look equally beautiful when they're drifting through the air in the wind, and on the floor like a carpet.

 Forget-me-not, AKA the cutest little flowers.

This garden is full of segments of one colour blocks, and when one flower comes to the end of it's cycle, something else comes up in it's place.

Requiem for the American Dream

In this staggering and insightful documentary, Noam Chomsky explores corruption in policies and the dismantling of democracy. Built up with decades of research and studies, delivered in this highly accessible and understandable film, we are brought into the mind of one of this century's most influential and thought provoking philosophers.

Official Synopsis:

"In his final long-form documentary interview - filmed over four years - Chomsky unpacks the principles that have brought us to the crossroads of historically unprecedented inequality. Tracing a half-century of policies designed to favor the most wealthy at the expense of the majority, Chomsky lays bare the costly debris left in its wake: the evisceration of the American worker, disappearance of the living wage, collapse of the dream of home ownership, skyrocketing higher education costs placing betterment beyond reach or shackling students to suffocating debt, and a loss of solidarity that has left us divided against ourselves."

One can't help but feel more depressed than optimistic after watching, given the evident diligence and persistence of corporate powers driven by greed, prevailing. It seems like a hopeless battle; policies continue to be changed or manipulated to aid the interest of the powerful minority, while the masses suffer.

This film itself gives me optimism, the very fact that we are lucky enough in today's world to share information so easily via the internet. Today, film creation and social media are in my opinion, the two most prominent methods of sharing ideas and knowledge effectively, to the masses. Those who are happily going through life ignorant, or unsympathetic to injustice may stumble upon a thought provoking, sometimes life changing documentary or seminar online, that disturbs what they always understood to be true. We may post something online and spark a conversation that brings in information. More and more we are able to educate ourselves freely, and question what we are taught to be right and wrong.

Chomsky highlights the importance of people coming together and making themselves heard through effort and sacrifice. It all sounds like a lot of work doesn't it? To go up against The Man. It is so much easier to go through life blissfully ignorant... if you're not the oppressed. For the oppressed, where often quality of life is subsequently taken away due to the lack of understanding or empathy from those in control of wealth distribution and power (thus financial distribution to social programs), there is no other choice than to come together and disrupt the silence, to say NO, this isn't right, this needs to change.

Throughout history we have seen over and over again how easy it can be for people to be manipulated and brain washed; common scaremongering tactics, encouraging the oppressed majority to fear one another, to only think about ones self - creating an irrational people who make decisions based on fear or greed. However, we have also seen how other human emotions that are born within us cannot be suppressed. I believe we are generally naturally sympathetic creatures, it feels more comfortable to love than to hate, we are not being true to our natural selves if we live our lives by these negative attitudes. Warped powers try to drive them out because we are easier to control if we are scared. Imagine a world where people notice inequalities for what they really are, and instead of being encouraged to fear and disengage ourselves, we are encouraged to sympathise and engage - this won't do for the powerful minority as it is disruptive - far better for them if we feel as though it is not our problem to deal with, to show selfishness rather than solidarity.

We are so capable of doing wonderful things in our short existence as human beings, let us remember that. We are not stupid, ignorant followers, we are individuals with massive potential. We were not born to fear our neighbours or to ignore the needs of the less privileged. Let's continue to exploit these new ways of being heard to create a better, fairer society - because if we go along with the corporate, privatized, money fuelled society that we're headed toward, which Chomsky quite rightly describes as 'ugly' - in my opinion, it won't be long before the end of the human race. 

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Marina Abramovic - Balkan Erotic Epic


I stumbled upon this odd but interesting piece by Abramovic via the amazing (and highly recommended) The New Yorker Presents series, I had heard of her previously through her project called The Artist is Present. The New Yorker Presents is, in my opinion, such a successful translation of a magazine to the big screen. It's so diverse, funny and insightful. The viewer is kept engaged because each segment is so different and captivating. Is this the beginning of the end of printed magazines?! Surely not. We won't need to be able to read soon, how frightening!

Anyway, back to this weird and wonderful piece by Marina Abramovic (next bit copied from Youtube):
"According to its creator, the piece Balkan Erotic Epic “is part of the studies about Balkan popular culture, as well as her own use of eroticism. Human beings pretends to become through it, in beings similar to gods. In popular culture -she continues- the woman is married to the Sun, and man with the Moon in order to preserve the secret of creative energy; through eroticism one gets in touch with the indestructible cosmic energy”.

In her research for this work, Abramovic consulted old manuscripts, and analyzed medieval pagan rites, rooted since the Middle Ages in Slavic culture. Then, and thanks to the collaboration of a Serbian film production, she did a casting with common people for these old rituals to be registered in film: “Obscene objects -says the artist- as well as male and female genitalia, have a very important function, linked especially to the rites of nature, as those linked to the fertility of the land and the emergence of rain. Men are not ashamed to show their erect penis or during ejaculation; in the same way that women showed their vagina, their ass, their breasts, and even their blood during menstruation. Western culture vulgarized these facts.”

Are you freaked out? Yeah, me too!

Monday, 9 May 2016


Possibly the most exciting day so far this year.. I found my wedding dress! I had done a lot of research prior to this trip, I knew I wanted something specific, and thankfully I found exactly what I'd hoped for.

I found the designer on Pinterest and stalked her deeply until I finally went for my appointment; all of her dresses are custom made so I was almost certain that I could get something beautiful there, I was just a little concerned about my budget, but luckily we were able to find ways of making it cost effective.

I met with the lovely Lucy who strapped me up in all this body shaping gear and put me in the most beautiful gown I have ever set eyes on. I felt like a bride. I had only tried on dresses on one other occasion and hadn't had that feeling. This felt right. 

 I had my beautiful friend/made-of-honour with me, along with my mother of course. It really was a special experience and got me so so excited for the day I actually walk down the aisle to become a Molloy. Can't wait to do the same with this babe before her wedding in 2018. 

 In the boy's homeland earlier on this month. I love being anywhere with him but there's something special about the west coast of Ireland, perhaps it's the spirit of the generations of Molloy's that walked those lands before him that I should thank for him being here at all.