Woke up to a beautiful day, mother nature doing her thing.
Did some stretches (my new fad). Finn and I went for a walk up to Barracks Lane meadow hoping to see the mysterious Muntjac again.. no luck, but did see our wonderful friend's Christine and Gino the black Lab. The dogs played while Christine and I talked about nature and exchanged tales of divine intervention or happy coincidences.

Every day is beautiful in it's own way but for me, sunshine with a cool breeze is the one.. today is a fine ol day.
Now sat in the office looking out at this...

I do enjoy looking up there... makes me feel snug in this little tiny pocket of the universe but also absolutely infinitesimal.. a grain of sand.
Living in this state of flux, celestial as we are.. we are not sand, we're stardust. There is poetry in physics!

The Universe is all that is,
or ever was, or ever will be.
Our contemplations of the cosmos stir us.
There's a tingling in the spine,
a catch in the voice, a faint sensation
There's a tingling in the spine,
a catch in the voice, a faint sensation
as if a distant memory
or falling from a great height.