Friday 18 February 2011

Is ignorance really bliss?

"In eastern Congo, rape and sexual violence are routinely employed as weapons to subjugate villages and terrorise entire communities. From old women to young children, the soldiers do not discriminate; the stories of their brutality and torture are so horrific that they rarely reach western ears. Inside the country, however, the locals have accepted mass rape as the status quo; even women who have been attacked will tell you: "This is just Congolese life.""

"The extent and extremity of the sexual violence that goes on, on a daily basis, was more shocking than I could have imagined: many women are gang raped, some are mutilated with sticks and knives, others doused in petrol and burned. Some of the attacks are performed by child soldiers, while their commanders urge them on, and some performed on children, even those as young as three. Aside from the horrific internal injuries sustained – as well as pregnancies, and the spread of HIV – there is a social cost; husbands regularly throw raped wives out of their homes, like soiled goods. There are no reliable statistics on rape in Congo. In one village we visited, the local hospital admits hundreds of cases in a year, but reported cases are the tip of the iceberg – many women keep rape hidden; some can't walk to the hospital."

BBC 1am this morning. Not nice TV viewing before bed. Really opened my eyes up to a darker side of the world... It's easy to forget about the struggles of non western countries when we're so distracted by our first world issues. We talk about heaven and hell, hell is a place on earth. Hell is life for many people living in this terror around the world right now. What a mess, how can it be stopped? Being brought up subjected to that violence is bound to warp the minds of otherwise innocent children, there needs to be a way to avoid this evil future. I feel awful knowing that this is still happening in parts of the world as I type, I feel guilty that my life is so peaceful in comparison. Is ignorance bliss or should we be doing more to save this hell on earth? Usually governments need a monetary motive to intervene in these social structures around the world, they simply would not interfere for humanity's sake only. We must use our own charity or support reputable charities. It's easy to feel useless and ignorant to these issues but our aid doesn't have to be all or nothing - you don't need to dedicate your entire life trying to solving the worlds problems, live your life and keep in mind the struggles of men and women in other walks of life, help where you can. Creating awareness, donating, taking part in fundraising activities, spreading peace and love. The internet is now such an accessible platform of communication, use it to spread important news, support, knowledge.

Monday 14 February 2011

Act Da Fool

Luxury cool brand Proeza Schouler collaborating with US cult film maker Harmony Korine (Kids, Gummo).

Harmony Korine on Act Da Fool:“It’s about girls who sleep in abandoned cars and set things on fire. It’s about the great things in life. The stars in the sky and lots of malt liquor.”

Sunday 13 February 2011

Black Swan

Natalie Portman is such a boss. Ever since Leon we've all been smitten with her, and she doesn't disappoint in this dark and beautiful tale of craft and obsession. Oh, and Mila Kunis, little Jackie Burkhart - another celebrated female who deserves her acclaim. I imagine even those who have no interest in cinema would have paid to watch this duo in the notable sex scene.